
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Backup VMware ESXi 4.1 Configuration

Errors: GET https://serverip/downloads/configbundle-servername.tgz unsuccessful : 404 Not Found

Thing in place

vCLI (Download vCli from ESXi hosts home page)

Steps to follow

Create a Folder in c:\VMware_Backup

  • To create a folder in windows is very easy, right click on c: and create a new folder VMware_Backup. You can choose whatever location you want, in this case it is c:

Create a scratch Partition in ESXi host

  • Login to ESXi host using Putty

  • Type commands

cd tmp

mkdir scratch (* If this folder exists already, you don't need to create one)

cd scratch

mkdir downloads (* If this folder exists already, you don't need to create one)

Now open up vCli

  • Type commands --server server_ip -s c:\vmware_bkup\servername.txt

It will prompt you for username and password

Your configuration has been saved

Hit Like if this post helpful to you.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Steps to configure VMware Syslog ServerHow to Setup VMware Syslog Server

Installed Syslog server on any windows machine, accept default option including port numbers and default location. (If you want to change it, you can customize it depending upon your choice)

Go to ESXi host
Go to Configuration Tab
Go to Software and  Advanced Setting
Click on Syslog 

Change      Value: [datastorename]/Log Location     (Make sure this datastore is accessible by all hosts)
Put the value on as tcp://IPADDRESS:514

Hit Ok

One requirement

Go to ESXi Firewall and enable syslog ports on it

Now see you Syslog server Location for files, you should see some files on Data folder under syslog Server

Hit me if you have any question

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to convert Disk throughput and Block size into IOPS
How to convert IOPS and Blcok size to throughput


To calculate IOPS

IOPS = (MBps throughput / Block Size) * 1024


Throughput is how much a disk can write per seconds
Block size is how much one IO can write per seconds
1024 is given from the formula to conversion like KBps or MBps


  • What number of IOPS should be used with Storage I/O Control to limit disk throughput to roughly 10MBps if the guest application writes 64KB blocks?

  1. IOPS= (10 / 64) *1024

         = 160 IOPS

To calculate Throughput

Throughput = (IOPS * Block Size) / 1024


  • What number of IOPS should be used with Storage I/O Control to limit disk throughput to roughly 10MBps if the guest application writes 64KB blocks?

  1. Throughput = (160 * 64) /1024

                           = 10